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From her sharp yet subtle interpretations of such pop classics as "Once In a Lifetime" [Talking Heads] and "I'm A Believer" [Monkees] to her adaptations of Nina Simone classics, Barb Jungr is one of our very favourite singers - however you wish to classify her music. We can't wait to hear for ourselves.
Advance word - as you can see below - on her latest CD, Hard Raid (in which she appropriates Bob Dylan and Leonard Cohen) is more than positive, and we can't wait to hear it
4 Stars Jazzwise
everything she sings with telling insight, Jungr's complete affinity
with the material lends the collection a galvanising power."
8/10 Uncut
commanding and rhapsodic singing brings connection and
insight…superlative arrangements….To give such standards precious new
life is quite some achievement."
The Sunday Times
"1000 Kisses Deep is simple heart-stopping. Jungr's attention to timbre and nuance brings new depth to every syllable."
5 Stars Independent
"This music is the North American Songbook's climax, revealed by its greatest interpreter."
4 Stars The Times
"Enthralling…Jungr is the perfect interpreter of this kind of material.
Blues Matters
"An unforgettable release. Brilliant."
Doug Boynton
"For my money, Ms. Jungr is one of the best living tellers of Bob Dylan’s tales."
Track listing, track times and composer:
1. Blowin’ In The Wind (Bob Dylan)
2. Everybody Knows (Leonard Cohen and Sharon Robinson)
3. Who By Fire (Leonard Cohen)
4. Hard Rain (Bob Dylan)
5. First We Take Manhattan (Leonard Cohen)
6. Masters Of War (Bob Dylan)
7. It’s Alright Ma (Bob Dylan)
8. 1000 Kisses Deep (Leonard Cohen and Sharon Robinson)
9. Gotta Serve Somebody (Bob Dylan)
10. Land Of Plenty (Leonard Cohen and Sharon Robinson)
11. Chimes Of Freedom (Bob Dylan)